Mouth Wash & Saliva Capsules
Need to pass a saliva drug test? This powefully formulated mouthwash is great for passing a saliva drug test. If you have to pass a saliva drug test then this product is perfect for you. This product is very simple to use. You must abstain for at least 24 hours prior to using this mouthwash for passing a saliva drug test. Works on all toxins. As long as the instructions on this mouthwash are followed EXACTLY, then the success rate is over 99%. Pass a saliva drug test anytime!
Ingredients: Water, Glycerin, Magnesium Sulfate, Potassium Chloride, Sodium Chloride, Witch Hazel, Aloe Vera, Boron Citrate, Lithium Sulfate, Peppermint, Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate.

Saliva Pre-Cleanse Capsules
Saliva Pretox Capsules will help get a head start on any emergency detoxification regimen, remember it is not a replacement for other detox products. It is an effective compliment to them. Intended for daily use, this product enhances the effectiveness of one of our other great detox products. Also great for those interested in a maintenance detox program or daily cleansing procedures and healthy way of life! 100% natural. Safety and freshness sealed.

OrAlert Oral Fluids Test
Detecting drug use with a saliva drug test kit is a clean and easy drug screening technique. Specimens are collected while the donor is under observation, which makes it harder for the donor to tamper with the results.
* No need for urine collection
* Avoids gender-specific collection issues
* Test for 6 drugs
* Eliminates collection site costs
* Helps eliminate adulteration
* Results in 10 minutes
* Easy to use
* No dropper or collection vials needed